Navelink recently hosted its first Developer Forum of 2024. This monthly event serves as a platform for industry professionals to convene, share insights, and drive innovation within the maritime communications landscape. The forum provides an opportunity for participants to discuss ongoing developments, explore prospects, and engage in collaborative discourse. Here is a glimpse into the discussions and highlights from the event: 


Presentation & Demo: S-125/S-201 e-Navigation Services Presented by Nikolaos Vastardis: 

A presentation and demo were delivered by Nikolaos Vastardis from R&D GLA UK & Ireland, shedding light on S-125/S-201 e-Navigation services. The session provided valuable insights into the development of novel e-Navigation architectures and their integration with the MCP for supporting SECOM operations. 

Attendees gained deeper insights into the potential applications of e-Navigation services, with a particular focus on Virtual Aids to Navigation (VAtoN) transmission. The presentation underscored the transformative impact of digital technologies on enhancing safety and efficiency in maritime navigation. 


Service Development Discussions: 

The forum facilitated engaging discussions among service developers, focusing on pertinent topics such as standard compliance and forum security. Participants deliberated on recommendations for certificate validity periods, ensuring alignment with industry standards while addressing security considerations. 

Notable insights were shared regarding the utilization of microservices architecture and the role of the Maritime Connectivity Platform (MCP) in supporting SECOM operations. Discussions underscored the importance of seamless interoperability and adherence to established standards. 


Navelink Platform Status & Update: 

The forum hosted discussions about the development of the Navelink platform, highlighting recent advancements and ongoing initiatives. Notable updates included progress on the creation of the SECOM Hotel and the deployment of MIR v.1.2.2 to DEV & TEST environments. 

Future plans were outlined, including the scheduled implementation of MIR v.1.2.2 to PROD, which will be held on 02/02/2024. Continued efforts towards the creation of SECOM Hotel were also emphasized, underscoring Navelink’s commitment to enhancing platform capabilities. 


SECOM Hotel:

A significant highlight of the forum was the discussion surrounding the SECOM Service Hotel, aimed at providing customers with REST services compliant with the IEC standard 63173-2 SECOM. Navelink’s commitment to hosting these services and facilitating seamless connectivity underscored its dedication to supporting industry-wide digitalization efforts. 



During the meeting, VDES was discussed as a possible distribution channel of renewed and revoked certificates. 


Closing Remarks and Next Steps: 

The forum concluded with an overview of upcoming milestones. Attendees were briefed on the planned deployment of MIR v.1.2.2 to PROD and encouraged to provide feedback on proposed changes to certificate validity periods. Please send us your feedback or suggestions to 

Notable responses and feedback from participants highlighted the complexities and considerations surrounding certificate management in maritime environments, underscoring the importance of ongoing collaboration and dialogue. 

As we continue to navigate evolving challenges and opportunities, forums like these serve as catalysts for driving positive change and shaping the future of maritime connectivity and safety. 

Stay tuned for future updates and join us in our journey towards a safer, more connected maritime world. 


Author: Milena Dalinaros